Management Systems Implementation

One of the key elements of good Leadership is the use of predictable and consistent systems. At Cybernesis we will help you straighten the convoluted path and surmount every lofty challenge through the implementation of systems based on global standards.

ISMS – Information Security Management System

The arsenal available in the Information Security battle can be wide and complex. Implementation of an Information Security Management System(ISMS) neatly organises your organisation’s efforts to safeguard its precious information. The Plan-Do-Check-Act Demming cycle ensures an iterative process of continually improving your system is followed.

Where our collective goal will be the certification of your ISMS against the ISO 27001:2022 standard, our implementation will ensure that governance follows through to practical applications of people, processes and technology.

BCMS – Business Continuity Management System

“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face”

Mike Tyson.

History has taught us that the most high tech, most well funded and sophisticated systems have still been breached despite their grandeur. The question is, once that service disruption happens. What is the actual plan and how best do we ensure that it will work without fail.

ISO 22301:2019 defines an organisation’s Security Resilience and provides the requirements for a Business Continuity Management System(BCMS). Our team of experts have a vast array of knowledge around Disaster Preparedeness, Recovery and ultimately Business Continuity. We are itching to help you get your system working and are well prepared to walk the certification journey with you.

AIMS – Artificial Intelligence Management System

The only thing fresher, newer and hotter than the current AI trend is the associated ISO standard, namely, ISO/IEC 42001:2023. This ISO standard specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an Artificial Intelligence Management System (AIMS) within organizations. It is designed for entities providing or utilizing AI-based products or services, ensuring responsible development and use of AI systems. Basically it’s for everyone.

It is the world’s first AI management system standard, providing valuable guidance for this rapidly changing field of technology. It addresses the unique challenges AI poses, such as ethical considerations, transparency, and continuous learning. For organizations, it sets out a structured way to manage risks and opportunities associated with AI, balancing innovation with governance.

Implementing an AIMS allows you to take only the very best of what AI has to offer, sifting out the risk, ensuring that you maintain full control of its operation.