Enterprise Security Management

“If it’s smart, it’s vulnerable.”


At CYBERNESIS we truly believe that cybersecurity is a business enabler, protecting the value that great minds have brought to the table through innovation and process improvement. Ignoring the security in a hyperconnected world is a recipe for disaster. Our Security services are designed to keep your well oiled machine moving along as smoothly as possible. 

vCISO – Virtual Chief Information Security Officer

Lets face it. Cybersecurity professionals at the very top of their game cost money. In some cases money that your organisation may not have at the present moment. The cost of permanent staffers is compounded by the shortage of cybersecurity skills across the world. In spite of these challenges, the critical skills gap must be bridged with only the very best talent to provide your organisation with the necessary thought leadership to develop and guide cybersecurity and information security strategies that will ensure that all the value being produced is adequately protected.

Our vCISO programme ensures that your organisation is matched with a Virtual Chief Information Officer that not only has knowledge of your industry but has  the experience to match it.

GRC – Governance Risk and Compliance

The bed rock of any “system” is the appropriate governance structure that not only provides a framework for guidance but also a process for continual improvement. Cybernesis governance expertise coupled with our Risk Management and Compliance experience will ensure that your organisation is adequately supported in this space.

BIA – Business Impact Analysis

The foundation of your Information Security Management System as well as your Business Continuity Management System is built upon a Business Impact Analysis that adequately covers the entire organisation ensuring that all your bases are covered.

Our team of subject matter experts will guide you through the entire process.

Business Continuity

“It wasn’t raining when Noah built the Ark”

Howard Ruff .

No matter what management system you employ, a disaster can quickly throw you off balance. A perfect crisis can bring you to your knees. The CYBERNESIS Business Continuity consulting service is largely based on the ISO standard ISO 22301 which seeks to put in place a system that effecticely manages disasters. While not all disasters can be avoided, their effects can certainly be managed. We ensure that the SHOW GOES ON as it must.

Security Risk Assessment

No matter which stage of maturity your security system is currently at, we believe strongly in the value of a third eye. Our Security Risk Assessment looks at the entire Process-People-Technology Framework to benchmark your systems against the industry standards and identify opportunities for improvement. We believe in the statement “Improve or Die” and one of the best ways to do this is to continually assess your system actively seeking continuous improvement opportunities.

Need a unique cybersecurity solution. Reach out to us at security@cybernesis.tech